
Installing F-Droid

Cryptocam is available from F-Droid, an app repository for free and open source Android apps.

Download the APK from . You’ll likely get a message that downloading apps from the internet can be dangerous, so dismiss that.

Once downloaded, click on the APK to install it. There will be a popup saying apps from unknown sources can’t be installed and a button to take you to settings. In settings, toggle the switch saying “Allow unkown sources”. When you go back you should be able to install F-Droid.

The first time you open F-Droid, it needs to sync repositories which can take some time.

Once F-Droid is set up, install Cryptocam .

Installing the Companion App


If you want a graphical program to manage keys and decrypt videos, you can use the Cryptocam Companion .

The easiest way to use it is to download the latest AppImage which doesn’t require any dependencies or setup.

Download latest AppImage here under Assets > Other

To run the AppImage, it needs to have executable permissions. In most file managers, this is done by right clicking the file > Properties > Permissions and ticking a checkbox that says “Executable” or “Can run as program”. You can alternatively run chmod +x path/to/AppImage in the terminal.

The AppImage should now run on double click.

For a CLI version of the companion, see cryptocam-companion-cli .


Download latest build here under Assets > Other > Windows x86_64

It’s a zip file which you need to extract. Then run CryptocamCompanion.exe in the bin folder. You can also create a shortcut for the exe and move that wherever you like. The exe needs to stay in the bin folder though.